Pokemon Hell Red

I used to love Pokemon, but not anymore. You will see why in a moment.
One day, I went to the garage sale next door to look at some old games. Among them were a retro version of Pokemon. I had the gameboy needed to play it, and the man selling the game said the cartridge was being sold for pretty cheap. Notably, the game was in a dusty condition and had several red stains on it that looked like they were there for years.
So, I bought the game and put it in. When I booted it up, I noticed that instead of the word "Pokemon," the title said "666" in red text. I started up the game. There was a warning that said, "DO NOT PLAY DIS GAM ORE U DY!" I started up the game.
When the game started, I noticed that all the game characters were inflating to big sizes and exploding, spraying hyper-realistic blood. Then it cut to the characters pulling out each other's eyes. One of them grabbed a hammer from off screen and shoved it into another's butt. The screen then zoomed into the man's insides to show the hammer working it's way halfway up his digestion system before breaking a hole in the large intestine and then a portal to hell opened.
All the characters, while still fighting, ran into the portal. They continued their fight in hell. One of them was kicked into the lava and burned to death in a hyper-realistic fashion. Another exploded for no reason and screamed. Still, another had a big hole in his stomach and his kidney fell out, followed by a skeleton that popped out.